Friday, February 8, 2008

Play Date #2!

Today, Kamryn and I went out to Emily's house for another play date. This time we decided to see how Kutter would react to sharing his toys, and he did really well. Of course it took a couple of minutes for them to get used to eachother, but overall I think they did much better today. We are really trying to work on sharing because right now Kamryn does not have to share with anyone. She enjoyed playing with all the boy toys. Kamryn has always seemed to like cars, and even though she got a Barbie VW Beetle for Christmas, she still would rather play with the boy cars. Kamryn and Kutter were all over the place!

Kutter had a giraffe tent in his room and they loved sitting in it. Kamryn has a butterfly tent, but she doesn't really play in it much. I think she enjoyed his so much because she actually had someone to sit next to her in it.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Messy Face!

Kamryn loves when we eat spaghetti because she has so much fun playing in it! She is getting to that stage where she wants to do everything and so she would much rather feed herself. I decided to strip her down to her diaper because I didn't want to attempt getting tomato stains from her clothes.
Tuesday she went to the doctor for her 1 year checkup and immunizations. She couldn't get her shots any sooner because she developed RSV (a respiratory infection) right after her birthday. She weighed 21 pounds 3 ounces and measured 30 1/4 inches long! Many have joked that she will be taller than me soon, but I am really starting to fear that they may be right! Ha-ha
Dr. Pandya watched her walk and said that she was really healthy and was developing great! In fact, he said that she is talking really well for her age. (She must get the talking from me....) Unfortunately, she had to get 7 shots and had to have her blood drawn for some routine tests. She screamed and cried for what seemed like forever! I felt terrible and wanted to cry myself because I hated seeing her in pain. I guess the 5 minutes of pain is better than developing one of those horrible diseases, right? The bad part about the shots is that she always runs a fever for a couple of days afterward and this time she has developed a swollen red knot about the size of a golf ball on her leg where the shots were given. The doctor said it was just a side effect and that it will go away, but it sure looks bad! Needless to say, it is not slowing her down one bit and she seems to feel fine!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Kamryn Playing....

We had breakfast with my family last Sunday and Kamryn wore one of her new spring dresses. She looked so cute! Here she is playing with a Mr. Potato Head.

This is Eddie!

I know that we have talked about Eddie before, and he always seems to come up in conversation because he is such a goof ball! Eddie and Kamryn are great friends and he is really protective of her. Eddie was Kamryn's second word..... She said Eddie before she said Mama!!!! Everyone thought that it was hillarious that she said Eddie after Dada. I had to put a picture of Eddie up because he is a big part of our family. Even though he gets so annoying, he can always make you smile. Kamryn always wants to look out the door or window at Eddie and today I caught her standing on a chair in her room looking out the window at Eddie!! I was scared because I was worried she was going to fall through the window! She is getting too brave!

Why do they love boxes so much?

Bobby got something in the mail the other day and Kamryn was fascinated with the box! This box kept her occupied for well over an hour! Even though she had a room full of toys, all she wanted to play with was this plain old box.... Needless to say, she was not happy when I took it away!

Another day outside....

Kamryn is growing so fast! We were looking at her hair the other day and realized that it was probably long enough to go in a pony tail, so I thought I would just try. She didn't like me touching her hair so the rubber band only stayed in for a couple of minutes, but at least I had time to get a quick shot of it.... Look at that face! She is always so silly!
When we moved in to our new house, my parents bought us new living room funiture and we love it. When it gets cold, the fabric gets a bunch of static for some reason. Kamryn was sitting next to me this morning and her hair was standing up because of the static. I couldn't help but take a picture because she looked so cute with her hair sticking up all over the place.Today was another pretty day so we took Kamryn's princess car outside to let her ride it. She doesn't really care to make the car move because she loves getting on the car and then trying to get off. That's all she did... get on and then get off. I tried to push her and she would not have it!
She lost interest in the car very quickly. Next she wanted to try to climb up the steps. I was worried she would hurt herself so I just picked her up and put her on the porch myself. She walked around a second and then looked through the bottom window on the door. I thought this was funny because she always looks out the window and watches the school busses so she had a confused look on her face when she was looking in at things.

Kamryn is always screaming! I think she is going to be a great cheerleader!Look at all of her teeth! She already has 9 teeth and has a couple more trying to break through!

She is ready for a nap!