Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Kamryn's First Ponytail!

Kamryn's hair has really started to grow like crazy! A couple of weeks ago, I put the top half of her hair in a ponytail and she looked absolutely adorable! This past weekend, I thought I would try to put all of her hair up in a ponytail and it was actually long enough. She looked so cute and grown up at the same time!

She is getting too big!

Well.... Kamryn has started to carry a purse!!! I know that sounds crazy, but Kamryn has 4 purses now and always carries one with her! (sometimes all 4 at once! ha ha) I first thought that she was just copying me because I always have my purse, but I think she really gets the point of a purse. The first time we saw her carry her purse, we opened it up and there were toy french fries inside and we thought it was hilarious! After she showed us her purse, she turned around and walked back to her room.... but stopped half way to turn back around and say "Bye-Bye!" I really thought I was going to cry because she acted like she was really going somewhere with that purse. Anyways, I have only been able to take one picture of her carrying her purse, but there are many more to come!

Bath Time!

Bobby went to the store a couple of weeks ago and came back with bubble bath for Kamryn. She loves the bubbles! Every time she takes a bath, I put in the soap and she likes to grab the foam and eat the bubbles! Of course she doesn't eat enough to make her sick, but she loves to feel the bubbles on her face and it is adorable!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Mommy and Me Classes!

Kamryn and I have been going to Mommy and Me classes at Jump N Jungle with Emily and Kutter! The first time we went, Kamryn did not have much fun. I think that the huge blow up jumpers were a little scary for her and she really wasn't used to having that many kids run around everywhere. She would walk around a little and play with the huge soccer ball, but other that, she wanted to be held the entire time! Later that night, she ran a little fever, and I think she was just cutting more teeth.

I am so glad that I decided to give it another shot and take her back because she had so much fun the second time. She felt better and walked around quite a bit and would watch Kutter as he ran by. We decided to take them up the big slide just to see if they liked it.... and they did! As you can see from the picture, these slides are pretty tall and we had to carry them to the top! We went down the slide about 5 times and she had so much fun (and I got my workout!)
The last part of our time there was spent looking in the vending machines and playing with the arcade games. Kamryn and Kutter are really starting to get used to eachother! They have started to interact with eachother a little more and seem to recognize eachother now.Kamryn is sitting on a giant alligator in this picture. She had a lot of fun sitting there because every time a kid would walk by, it would move! She stayed in there for quite awhile, but then cried whenever a little boy bounced her off!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Playing Outside....

Look how long her hair is now!

Kamryn absolutely loves being outside. Anytime the weather is nice, we go outside to play because she enjoys it so much! She loves to go outside with Bobby while he works in the yard and likes to chase Eddie. He is so good with her and follows her around wherever she goes.

She loves sunglasses!

She is getting way too big!

She loves this popcorn thing (not exactly sure what it is called)
This keeps her entertained for a long time!

Kamryn and Eddie!

It's been so long!

Our computer has been broken for about a month and we finally got it back today! I am so excited because I have so many good pictures to post. I will have to play catch up today, so be prepared.... there is going to be quite a bit to read!