Saturday, January 26, 2008

Playing Outside.....

While Bobby was at work on Saturday, Kamryn and I went outside because it was actually pretty for a change. We took her trike outside and she rode it for a second, but then got distracted by our dogs. They were barking so she walked to the fence and stared at it for what seemed like forever! She kept calling Eddie (our Boxer) through the fence but couldn't see him. My aunt Elizabeth lifted Kamryn to the top of the fence so she could look over at the dogs and she thought that was the neatest thing ever. Here are some pictures....

Kamryn's First Play Date!

I'm sure that most of you know Emily Houchin. I worked at Emily's cheerleading business here in Slaton for about 4 years. She and I were pregnant at the same time, and as weird as it was to us at first, it turned out to be wonderful because she was a great help during my pregnancy. Emily and her husband, Todd, had a little boy that they named Kutter. He is about 3 months older than Kamryn and neither of them ever play with kids their age. Emily and I decided that it would be good for Kamryn and Kutter to play together, so they came over to our house on Friday for a little play date. It took just a minute for them to get used to each other, and even though they are still learning how to share, they had a blast! It was hard to get a picture of them two together because they were always on the move, but I think this one is cute!Out of all the toys that Kamryn has, she was most interested in a toy piggy bank and puzzles.Kutter, on the other hand, loved playing with the big toys. He loved Kamryn's trike and her Disney Princess car.

Kamryn has a Bounce and Spin Zebra and Horse and Kutter really liked them. He could get them moving really good, but Kamryn's little legs are still trying to get the hang of it.

Kamryn is having fun on her zebra!Kutter didn't care that this car is pink and purple... he just kept saying "vroom vroom."He doesn't have a bounce and spin zebra... but I think he needs one! He loved it!This is one of the few times that we could get them to share a toy. They did really good!

After they played for a little while, they were really thirsty and took a quick drink break. Then it was time to go and Kutter gave Kamryn a kiss and they left. Next week we are going to go to Kutter's house to see how Kamryn does over there and to see how he feels about sharing his toys. They had a lot of fun, so you will be seeing many more postings about them!

Our First Home!

Well, I've always wanted to start a blog so that those who live far away can still be a part of our lives.... so what better time to start than now? We just signed on our first home together a couple weeks ago and it was a little scary. The process of searching for and buying a home is a big mess and I hope that we don't have to go though that again for a very long time! I guess it was all worth it in the long run because we love our new home! Kamryn is getting used to running around but we are all still trying to adjust to the space. We have so much more room to move around now and its nice for all of us to have our own little area to relax and do what we want. Kamryn now has her own bedroom and play room and no matter how many times I clean it... it seems to always be a mess. She has learned to open doors and cabinet drawers so my goal for the week is to put locks on everything! Well, that's enough for now... I'll get to the pictures! Our New House!

We have a huge tree out front. It is a little bare now, but will be good shade when it gets a little hotter outside!

These are our baby bushes. Anyone who knows me knows that I can kill plants very quickly. I'm going to try my hardest to keep them alive. We will have an update in a couple of months...

Our front door has three windows. The bottom window is at the perfect level for Kamryn. She loves to watch the school buses go by in the morning (since we live so close to the school) and likes to sit at the window and wave bye-bye to people when they leave!